El erotismo
Primero quisiera puntualizar que el erotismo algo que es tan
íntimo, que se vive en la unicidad de la persona lo que lo hace difícil de
estudiarlo desde esta perspectiva, pero vale la pena intentar abordarlo desde
esta óptica tan particular. Lo erótico se eleva de lo más profundo de nuestros
instintos entregándonos un haz de luz para entendernos nosotros mismos y el
mundo que nos rodea.
Me gustaría poder encontrar los elementos necesarios que me
permitan analizar el arte desde el punto de vista de su contexto y el discurso
que conllevan cuando el erotismo participa como forma de expresión empapando
las palabras o las imágenes, dándole ese sabor tan propio del encanto de dos
cuerpos cuando se encuentran, Octavio Paz dice al respecto en la "Doble
Llama" "El encuentro erótico comienza con la visión del cuerpo
deseado. Vestido o desnudo, el cuerpo es una presencia: una forma que, por un
instante, es todas las formas
Realmente para poder examinar en todo su contexto la problemática del erotismo tendríamos que entrar un poco en su historia y su desarrollo durante los diferentes estadios del hombre en su paso por ese tiempo histórico y tener en cuenta que uno de los deseos mas acendrados en sus sentimientos es su deseo animal de satisfacer esos instintos que se presentan en los momentos cuando la mente tiene toda su concentración en ese especifico deseo físico de poseer al cual se le ha dado por llamar erotismo pornográfico, cosa que por ende es descabellada ya que debemos distinguir las dos naturalezas del ser humano una la de lo sublime y la otra la de los sentimientos inmersos en lo más profundo del inconciente los cuales gatilla los sentimientos mas bajos; Georges Bataille en "Las Lágrimas de Eros " expresa magistralmente esta idea " La violencia nos abruma extrañamente en ambos casos, ya que lo que ocurre es extraño al orden establecido, al cual se opone esta violencia. Hay en la muerte una indecencia, distinta, sin duda alguna, de aquello que la actividad sexual tiene de incongruente. La muerte se asocia a las lágrimas, del mismo modo que en ocasiones el deseo sexual se asocia a la risa; pero la risa no es, en la medida en que parece serlo, lo opuesto a las lágrimas: tanto el objeto de la risa como el de las lágrimas se relacionan siempre con un tipo de violencia que interrumpe el curso regular, el curso habitual de las cosas. Evidentemente el torbellino sexual no nos hace llorar, pero siempre nos turba, en ocasiones nos trastorna y, una de dos: o nos hace reír o nos envuelve en la violencia del abrazo es debido a que somos humanos y a que vivimos en la sombría perspectiva de la muerte el que conozcamos la violencia exasperada, la violencia desesperada del erotismo. "
Se cree que
hace 40.000 mil años cuando el hombre hace su aparición sobre la faz de
la tierra dejará la marca de su sexo en las rocas y cavernas alrededor del
mundo con sus imágenes en ese estilo abstracto tan particular donde
usando pigmentos y óxidos se entremezclan con la técnica magistral del
esfuminado para simbolizar vulvas y penes, También utilizando formas más
realistas plasmaron su actividad sexual en los canvas naturales, en los
resquicios de grandes murallones, cuevas, arte utilitario que la naturaleza les
proveyó, con imágenes de rituales sexuales donde el erotismo esta
presente. La procreación, se convierte, para el hombre prehistórico, en una
liturgia llena de "erotismo-mágico". Los primitivos humanos
dependían de la tierra para todas sus cosas: comida, protección, era la
proveedora de todo lo necesario para la vida y también la vida misma. Ellos
habían notado que toda la vida era creada a partir de los cuerpos de las
hembras (tanto mujeres
El erotismo es un dispositivo complejo (ya que abarca diversos componentes de lo subjetivo y lo social y desde la bioquímica hasta el arte) que genera atracción sexual y que puede ser canalizado adecuadamente para lograr completa satisfacción de las personas si no afecta de un modo concreto negativamente a otras. Ahora aquí podemos decir también, lo que otras han dicho en el sentido lo que para unos es erotismo, para otros es pornografía.
Se puede afirmar que el erotismo es una fuerza primigenia en
la cotidianeidad
Sin embargo, hoy asistimos a retrocesos ideológicos y recrudecimientos puritanos. Destaca entre ellos como anacronismo máximo, en esta sociedad moderna declaradamente racional y democrática, las instituciones que sustentan pensamientos totalmente retrógrados con relación a la sexualidad y de como esta debe ser tratado por la población siempre mirándolo bajo el prisma obtuso del pensamiento religioso, el cual trata de encadenar el libre análisis de aquellos que en forma brillante tratan de recabar estos estudio a puertos mas seguros La interdicción que desde los comienzos de la Modernidad pesó sobre todo lo vinculado a la sexualidad, producto de la alianza estratégica entre capitalismo y cristianismo, llegó a su objetivo cuando toda una idea de la decencia y del buen gusto y un conjunto de normas concernientes al uso de las palabras y de las imágenes, Los efectos benéficos de la antinomia no duraron mucho. Ya a comienzos del siglo XX, en la brecha abierta por la decadencia de los principios que fueron sustentados en el siglo pasado, y en el ámbito de las vanguardias artísticas que decidieron enfrentar estos pensamientos oscurantistas, la exploración de las profundidades de lo sexual, empujada por la revolución freudiana, comenzó a producir discursos para los cuales la famosa antinomia ya no tenía más sentido que el de la represión y el límite.
Las mentes más preclaras
Desde la perspectiva de lo dicho mas arriba, se puede
concluir que el camino del erotismo como parte de la obra ya sea en imágenes o
palabras, ha de convivir con todos los tabúes y miedos que la sociedad como
agente enajenante que al utilizar todos los medios a su disposición tratan de
transformarla en un mero producto que después de haberlo manoseado a su gusto
lo transforman en mercancía, y por el otro frente, la de los artistas e
intelectuales que usando lo mejor que podemos producir, nos levantamos para
develar el velo del cinismo que gravita cada vez que lo erótico hace su
aparición, como vemos el sexo y el arte actúan en forma interdependiente para
llevarlo al mundo de los sentimientos donde estos liberarán las fuerzas
mágicas, permitiendo su transmutación al mundo circundante. Octavio Paz en
forma realmente bella trasunta estos pensamiento cuando escribe "El fuego
original y primordial, la sexualidad, levanta la llama roja
Eroticism as a form of expression.
First I would like to point out that eroticism is something so intimate, that exists in the uniqueness of the person making it difficult to study from this perspective, but worth trying to approach it from this particular perspective. The erotic rises from the depths of our instincts giving us a beam of light to understand ourselves and the world around us. As we express ourselves through our erotic sexuality, which in this case can be understood as the real thermometer of our personality. The erotic is our natural source of our personal power. The erotic is the power that comes from sharing deeply with another person; and can be physical, emotional, psychological or intellectual, forming a link between what is shared and the source of happiness.
I would like to be able to find the necessary elements that allow me to analyze art from the point of view of its context and the discourse that comes when eroticism participates as a form of expression soaking up the words or the images, giving that flavor so typical of the charm of two Bodies when they meet, Octavio Paz says about it in the "Double Flame" "The erotic encounter begins with the vision of the body desired. Dressed or naked, the body is a presence: a form that, for an instant, is all forms Of the world.We hardly embrace that form, we cease to perceive it as presence and we grasp it as a concrete, palpable matter that fits in our arms and which, however, is unlimited.When embracing the presence, we stop seeing it and leave it Of being a presence. Dispersion of the desired body: we see only eyes that look at us; a throat illuminated by the light of a lamp and soon returns to the night, the shine of a thigh, the shadow that descends from the navel to the sex ". In addition, we must add to this analysis the term pornography, which inescapably is linked in one way or another to eroticism. Since, the faint minds define it saying that the eroticism is distinguished and paradisiac while the pornography is dirty and unacceptable. These are the visions that impregnate the experiences of the authors that plunge into the subject.
As generalized knowledge the erotic in art is all that causes joy in the body. In my experience as a visual artist and poet eroticism for me has been a tool that allows me to present images with a more intimate flavor to the very essence of the form or more intimate to the expression or form it. The erotic element imbibes from the inside out the objects that are part of the story that one wants to interpret to create or to invent. Giving the art this idea of constant impregnation of the erotic essence, but in turn, also, becomes the duality of passion and matter, passion delivered by eroticism and the matter envisioned by the body.
Actually in order to examine in all its context the problematic of eroticism we should have to enter a little in its history and its development during the different stages of the man in his passage through that historical time and to take into account that one of the most enlightened desires in his feelings Is his animal desire to satisfy those instincts that appear in the moments when the mind has all its concentration in that specific physical desire of possessing which has been called pornographic eroticism, something that therefore is crazy since we must distinguish the Two natures of the human being one of the sublime and the other of the feelings immersed in the deepest of the unconscious which brings the lowest feelings; Georges Bataille in "The Tears of Eros" expresses masterfully this idea "Violence overwhelms us strangely in both cases, since what happens is strange to the established order, to which this violence is opposed.There is in death an indecency, No doubt, of what sexual activity is incongruous. Death is associated with tears, just as sometimes sexual desire is associated with laughter, but laughter is not, as far as it seems to be, the opposite of tears: both the object of laughter and tears are always related to a type of violence that interrupts the regular course, the usual course of things. Evidently the sexual whirlwind does not make us cry, but always We are disturbed, sometimes it upsets us and, one of two: either it makes us laugh or it envelops us in the violence of the embrace is because we are human since we live in the gloomy perspective of death we know exasperated violence, The desperate violence of eroticism”.
It is believed that 40,000,000 years ago when man makes his appearance on the face of the earth he will leave the mark of his sex on the rocks and caverns around the world with his images in that particular abstract style where using pigments and oxides intermingle with The magistral technique of fading to symbolize vulvas and penises, also using more realistic forms they captured their sexual activity in the natural canvases, in the recesses of great walls, caves, utilitarian art provided by nature, with images of sexual rituals where eroticism Is present Procreation, for prehistoric man, becomes a liturgy full of "magic eroticism". The primitive humans depended on the earth for all their things: food, protection, was the supplier of everything necessary for life and also life itself. They had noticed that all life was created from the bodies of the females (both women and animals), so they found the idea that there was an All-Powerful Feminine Creator as well. The woman is transformed into the Pachamama, Gaia, Isis, Mitra, or Mother Nature, in a being with creative powers in addition the visual language found in prehistoric times is fundamental to understand the concept of "Mother Earth" I reiterate that The paintings or incises in the rocks were not erotic in the sense as we now understand it, or an exciter of sexual desire, but it was the representation of the force of life and energy that emanates from the earth. Rituals also lead to the fertility of animals, because on them depends the survival of the tribe or clan. The "Shaman", spiritual head, pivot in which the community turns, becoming the mythical stairway that connects the unknown world and reality, which, through ritual and eroticism, reaches its maximum symbolic significance, the most Important of these works was not its beauty or its resemblance to reality, but its magical quality and its influenza with the surrounding world.
Eroticism is a complex device (since it covers various components of the subjective and social and from biochemistry to art) that generates sexual attraction and can be properly channeled to achieve complete satisfaction of people if it does not affect in a concrete way negatively to others. Now here we can also say, what others have said in the sense what for some eroticism, for others it is pornography.
It is possible to affirm that eroticism is a primordial force in the daily life of the human being, a force that subjects to being with nature carrying a great electrical charge that makes the hands of the heart and of the time turn. But eroticism, in turn, finds itself with a powerful fence that does not allow it to be demonstrated with all its force, fence of retreats and puritanical visions where societies that declare themselves democratic and rationalist that carry within themselves the structures of churches with dogmatic character and with a A vision of society that has been entrenched for many centuries, and also with precepts that speak of family and society to try to corner it in the attic of what they call obscenities or deviations. It is precisely in relation to eroticism that the Catholic Church, specifically, in what corresponds to Latin American societies where the majority of the population are Catholics, and which, with their morality, are far more removed from modern society because they seek to impose a moral against Natura They exalt chastity and condemn pleasure, which instantaneously gives the character of dirt to everything that has a relation to sex, to be against life and against a biological instinct, ignoring the affective variety in nature. To fulfill this objective, the Church uses the Trojan horse as one of the most powerful pillars of the church, the institution Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), which is a secular grouping of ultra-right, although linked to very conservative groups of the same church they raise the concept of modesty as the standard of battle. "Shame is an instinctive mechanism, proper to chastity, which protects with sexual shame sexual shame, avoids all kinds of excesses and moral dangers in sexual matters." This concept that rose as a flag for churches and societies that from reactionary positions deny being in their sexuality, so I must conclude that sexual repression is an effective mechanism of control over people and mass. That is the repression that the church wants to maintain over a society that is more superficially religious, practicing mostly social customs of good opinion. I think that as anecdotal data to these repressive thoughts should be noted the uncovering of sexual abuse around the world of those who are supposed to preach the gospels, which with their tonsures, holy water and incense cajole and pervert the youth.
However, today we are witnessing ideological setbacks and puritanical upsurges. In this modern, openly rational and democratic society, the most remarkable anachronism stands out among the institutions that support totally retrograde thoughts about sexuality and how it must be treated by the population always looking at it under the obtuse prism of religious thought, which Tries to chain the free analysis of those who in a brilliant way try to gather these studies to safer ports The interdiction that from the beginnings of Modernity weighed on everything related to sexuality, product of the strategic alliance between capitalism and Christianity, came To its purpose when a whole idea of decency and good taste and a set of rules concerning the use of words and images, The beneficial effects of the antinomy did not last long. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, in the gap opened by the decadence of the principles that were sustained in the last century, and in the field of artistic avant-garde that decided to confront these obscurantist thoughts, exploring the depths of the sexual, pushed By the Freudian revolution, began to produce speeches for which the famous antinomy had no more meaning than that of repression and limit.
The most illustrious minds of the Western world tried to elucidate the difference between eroticism and pornography, perfecting the original matrix of antinomy (suggest / show) by force of originality and sharpness. In this case the antinomy refers to that eroticism using the methods of art suggests, with difference of the pornography that uses the non-artistic method, to show. Now the question that should be asked who defines what is dirty from the clean? Lay people, high school students, or high school students. Henry Miller sagaciously refers to this by saying "discussing the nature and meaning of obscenity is almost as difficult as talking to God."
From the perspective of what has been said above, one can conclude that the path of eroticism as part of the work, whether in images or words, has to coexist with all the taboos and fears that society as an alienating agent than when using all means At their disposal try to transform it into a mere product that after having been manipulated to their liking they transform it into merchandise, and on the other front, that of artists and intellectuals who using the best we can produce, we rise to unveil the veil of Cynicism that gravitates every time the erotic makes its appearance, as we see sex and art act in an interdependent way to take it to the world of feelings where they will release the magical forces, allowing their transmutation to the surrounding world. Octavio Paz in a really beautiful form transcends these thoughts when he writes "The original and primordial fire, sexuality, raises the red flame of eroticism and this, in turn, holds and launches another flame, blue and tremulous: that of love. Love: the double flame of life "A if he defines it in his essay" The Double Flame "giving that closeness that have always had eroticism and love.
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