
Monday, March 21, 2011

Javier Heraud (Poeta Peruano)

Javier Heraud

Javier Heraud Pérez (1942-1963) was a Peruvian poet and member of the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN).

In January 1963, a group led by the 21-year old poet Javier Heraud and Alain Elias crossed through Bolivia, where they picked up weapons, and entered southern Peru. Plagued by Leishmaniasis infection however, the 15 member team decided to enter the city of Puerto Maldonado to seek out medical supplies. The local police were warned of the group's advance, and on May 15 Heraud was shot in the chest and killed while he drifted past the town in a dugout canoe.


Mi voz…

Mi voz descansa entre

las palomas,

entre el olor

de la tierra húmeda,

en medio de

tus manos hacendosas,

en el diálogo fraterno,

en la reunión partidaria.

He llevado mi voz

por parajes

con fragancia de flores

recién nacidas,

entre los dolores,

y la muerte que

no quiere cerrar sus ojos.

Mi voz lleva la solidaridad

a los torturados,

a los heridos

a los dolientes,

a las tierras asoladas,

a los peregrinos

que recorren

el camino

de las esperanzas.

Mi voz vuela entre

la copa de los

árboles tratando

de atrapar

el sueño

de los viejos


de mi tierra.


My voice ...

My voice lies between
the pigeons,
the smell
of wet land,
your industrious hands,
in the fraternal dialogue,
in the party meeting.
I carried my voice
for places
with newborn

scented flowers
between the pain,
and the death
that not want to close his eyes.
My voice carries solidarity
to the tortured,
to the wounded
to the mourners,
to the torn land,
to the pilgrims
that travel
the way
of hopes.
My voice soars among
cup of
trees treating
to catch
the sleep
of old
of my land.

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