
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mi ofrenda


No se que paso con la arena

dorada entre el sol y el agua,

que lenta fue perdiendo los

recuerdos de esos días

de muertes sin sentido

olas que marcaron la ribera

de las playas con alegorias

de la vida y en su liturgía diaria

lleva el sabor de su tersura.

Las playas de mis recuerdos

nitidas, pulimentadas con su

vaivén abrupto, madre

que acurruco en su fondo frio

la deformación de los cuerpos

arrojados desde el infinito,

sus médanos recogieron los gemidos

de las algas llorando los dolores



I don’t know what happen
with the golden sand
between the sun and water,
that slowly was losing the
memories of those days
of senseless deaths
waves that marked the riverbank
from the beaches with allegories
of life and in their daily liturgy
brings the flavor of your smoothness.

The beaches of my memories
sharp, with its polished
abrupt swinging, mothers
that nestled in its fund cold
the deformation of the body
thrown from infinity,
their dunes collected groans
of the seaweed mourn the pain

I don’t know what happen
with the sand
evaporating between the
thin fingers of the water,
she hid in the submarine world
frightened by
the terror of those days,
so far in my walks
on the beach I just feel
the distant echo of their voices.

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