
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Retrato # 12


De tus ojos me enamoré.

Para mi nieto Diego

De tus ojos me enamoré

mi niño

ellos parecen buscar esas

cosas desvanecidas

en el espacio,

tus ojos son capaces

de hacer detener el vuelo

de las mariposas revoloteando

la pequeña fuente de agua.

Los pequeños peces

embelesados observan

el gesticular de tus

manos ágiles, cómplices

del viento.

De tus ojos pardos sale

la secuencia de las verdades

y que al posar tu mirada

en lo inmenso del mar

este parece detenerse

en su eterno revuelo

antes de llegar a la playa

y poder mojar tus pies

para llevarte al reino

de los hipocampos.


I fell in love for your eyes.

To my grandson Diego

I fell in love for your eyes
my child
they seem to find those
faded things
in the space
your eyes are able to
to stop the flight
of the butterflies fluttering
the small water fountain.
The small fishes
watch spellbound
the gesture of your
agile hands, accomplices
of the wind.
Out of your eyes brown leave
the sequence of truths
and to pose your eyes
in the immensity of the sea
this seems to stop
in his eternal stir
before reaching the beach
and to wet your feet
to take you to the kingdom
of the seahorses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

papa leo, that was so beautiful and precise. that is exactly the essance of "chinito's" spirit. you are so talented!
muchos besos: gladys elizabeth barbieri