
Saturday, October 29, 2016


         Manuscritos Ilustrados #15/ Ilustrated manuscript #15


Eres hermética, fecunda en la cosecha
eres doncella, galana, bella en la dulzura
de nosotros, lúdica en el amor,
eres madre, gestora de la vida, protectora
de todos los que te tocan,
eres anciana, sabia en tu sabiduría pergeñada
en los saberes cotidianos,
Wicca, la luna cubre tus pasos terrestres
entregándote los secretos acumulados
en su corteza.


You're hermetic, fruitful in harvest
you're a maid, gallant, beautiful in the sweetness
of us, playful in love,
You are a mother, adviser of life, protective
of all who touch you,
you are old, wise in your concocted wisdom
in everyday knowledge,
Wicca, the moon covers your terrestrial steps
giving yourself, the accumulated secrets

in its bark.

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