Desde todas las esquinas…
Desde todas las esquinas del mundo
se alzan los brazos en el afán
solidario de tomar vuestras manos
y fundirlas en un golpe feroz
a la mandíbula de los usureros,
de los profitadores de las guerras
de los gusanos que reptan nuestras
calles chupando la vida.
Desde todas las esquinas del mundo
los ojos se elevan hacia el horizonte
de tus plazas donde las pieles y el
sudor construyen los nuevos puentes
para que el amor tomado de las manos
de la revolución lo crucen en esta nueva
alborada y desde ahí alzar
las atalayas para redescubrir a nuestros
hermanos de clase, y que todos junto
levantemos nuevas ciudades con las
diestras envueltas en el canto
Desde todas las esquinas del mundo
el mensaje vuela radiante para convertirse
en las aves que han de llevar el mensaje
a otras esquinas cubiertas por las sombras.
From all corners ...
From all corners of the world
the arms are raised in the common
effort to hold your hands
and cast them into a fierce blow
to the jaws of loan sharks,
the wars profiteers,
the worms that crawl
From all corners of the world
the arms are raised in the common
effort to hold your hands
and cast them into a fierce blow
to the jaws of loan sharks,
the wars profiteers,
the worms that crawl
the streets sucking our life.
From all corners of the world
the eyes rises towards the horizon
of your squares where the skin and
sweat build new bridges
where love can held hands
of the revolution to cross in this new
dawn and from there raise
watchtowers to rediscover our
class brothers, and all together
raised new cities with
skilled hands wrapped with songs
of solidarity.
From all corners of the world
the message flies radiant to become
in the birds that have to carry the message
to other corners covered by shadows.
From all corners of the world
the eyes rises towards the horizon
of your squares where the skin and
sweat build new bridges
where love can held hands
of the revolution to cross in this new
dawn and from there raise
watchtowers to rediscover our
class brothers, and all together
raised new cities with
skilled hands wrapped with songs
of solidarity.
From all corners of the world
the message flies radiant to become
in the birds that have to carry the message
to other corners covered by shadows.