Con la magia….
Con la magia de tus ojos pudistes descifrar
los viejos jeroglifos que cuelgan
de los brazos de las estrellas.
Tu mirada escruto los intrincados dibujos
que se contorsionaban con la música de la luz
trayendo el ritmo enredado entre los dedos
para desparramarlo entre el cielo y la montaña.
Con la magia de tus ojos los árboles al fin
consiguieron participar con los rituales oniricos
de los pájaros trayendo a los sueños a la
danza diaria de la vida,
desde tus labios abiertos se escapa el aliento
de la horas cuando paseamos bajo la
persistente llovisna.
Con la magia de los destellos que escapan entre
tus cabellos aún desordenados después del
temporal, hemos podido recoger los sonidos
que han viajado solitarios en el universo
de los antiguos chamanes que contaron
las primeras canciones de cuna.
Con la magia de tu piel pudimos limpiar
las manchas de sangre que cayeron en
las calles esa mañana de protesta.
With the magic....
Through the magic of your eyes you could
Through the magic of your eyes you could
decipher the old hieroglyphs that hang
from the arms of the stars.
Your eyes scrutinize the intricate patterns
they writhed with the music of light
bringing the rhythm tangled between the fingers
to spread among the sky and the mountains.
Through the magic of your eyes the trees at the end
got involved with the oneiric rituals
of birds bringing the dreams to
daily dance of life, from your open lips the breath of the hour’s
escapes when we walk under the
persistent light rain showers.
Through the magic of the sparkle that escape from
your hair still messed up after the
tempest, we could pick up sounds
who have traveled alone in the universe
of the ancient shamans told
the first lullabies.
Through the magic of your skin we
could clean the stains of blood that fell in
the streets this morning of protest.
from the arms of the stars.
Your eyes scrutinize the intricate patterns
they writhed with the music of light
bringing the rhythm tangled between the fingers
to spread among the sky and the mountains.
Through the magic of your eyes the trees at the end
got involved with the oneiric rituals
of birds bringing the dreams to
daily dance of life, from your open lips the breath of the hour’s
escapes when we walk under the
persistent light rain showers.
Through the magic of the sparkle that escape from
your hair still messed up after the
tempest, we could pick up sounds
who have traveled alone in the universe
of the ancient shamans told
the first lullabies.
Through the magic of your skin we
could clean the stains of blood that fell in
the streets this morning of protest.
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