Te quise hablar entre las distancias
de los silencios, pero tus ojos se abandonaron
en el espacio perdido de los horrores
de las guerras,
mis dedos con movimientos torpes
intentaron abrir tus párpados somnolientos
pero solo lograron remover el polvo
de los estantes.
Te quise recordar con la frágil
danza de la lluvia cayendo sobre el espacio
que separa nuestros dominios,
no hubo caso, el tiempo no dejo al tiempo
cruzar tu piel tensa por los trajines
de ese día, cuando el sol dejo de palpitar
dejando su esencia libre vagando en el vacio
de las esperanzas.
Te quise recordar cuando recogías los
caracoles taciturnos en los mediodías
llenos de risa,
pero también en ese momento
los árboles que rodean la casa mecían
sus ramas dejando caer con la cadencia
monótona de sus movimientos las hojas
Te quise ver en medio del manantial
que cubría tu piel con el vaho húmedo
del agua cansada de golpear las rocas.
Pero tú habías desaparecido con la luz
mortecina que se descolgaba entre
las sombras de los cerros,
mis ojos no fueron capaces de capturar
tus pies imprimiendo en el barro
el ritmo vernacular de mis dibujos.
Te quise enredar entre los difusos tonos
de mis palabras, pero estas no fueron
capaces de cruzar el umbral de mis dientes.
I wanted to talk between the distances
of the silences, but your eyes were abandoned
in the space lost from the horrors of wars,
my fingers with awkwardly movementstried to open your eyelids sleepy
but only managed to remove dust
from the shelves.
I wanted to remember with the fragile
dance of the rain falling on the space
separating our domain,
was not the case, time does not leave time
cross your skin taut by the comings and goings
of that day, when the sun stopped beating
leaving its essence free to wander in the void
of hopes.
I wanted to remember when you gathered the
the taciturn snails in the midday
full of laughter,
but also at that time
the trees surrounding the house rocking
their branches dropping with the monotonous
cadence the dry leaves.
I wanted to see in the middle of the fountain
that covers your skin with wet steam
of the tired water hitting the rocks.
But you had disappeared with the dim light
that took down between
the shadows of the hills,
my eyes were not able to capture
your foot stamping in the mud
the vernacular rhythm of my drawings.
I wanted to get tangled in between the fuzzy tones
of my words, but these were not
able to cross the threshold of my teeth.
I wanted to talk between the distances
of the silences, but your eyes were abandoned
in the space lost from the horrors of wars,
my fingers with awkwardly movementstried to open your eyelids sleepy
but only managed to remove dust
from the shelves.
I wanted to remember with the fragile
dance of the rain falling on the space
separating our domain,
was not the case, time does not leave time
cross your skin taut by the comings and goings
of that day, when the sun stopped beating
leaving its essence free to wander in the void
of hopes.
I wanted to remember when you gathered the
the taciturn snails in the midday
full of laughter,
but also at that time
the trees surrounding the house rocking
their branches dropping with the monotonous
cadence the dry leaves.
I wanted to see in the middle of the fountain
that covers your skin with wet steam
of the tired water hitting the rocks.
But you had disappeared with the dim light
that took down between
the shadows of the hills,
my eyes were not able to capture
your foot stamping in the mud
the vernacular rhythm of my drawings.
I wanted to get tangled in between the fuzzy tones
of my words, but these were not
able to cross the threshold of my teeth.
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