Se decidió.
El se decidió a viajar
a la guerra entre
lo que decían y los
que lo maldecían,
el buscaba la respuesta
pensaba que el sol alumbraba
tibio y suave para todos,
se sumergió en la arena
suave, cálida,
mientras, otros trataban
de cultivar la flor originaria
de su patria, entre risas
y el disimulo.
El se decidió a caminar
entre lo que decían
que eran balas que matan,
con su sonrisa miraba
los objetos en las feria
regateaba precios, pero la sangre
en su mancha universal
cubria la luna y el sol,
las noticias anuncian
“more troops deployed to Tibet”
el en su cadencia
miraba sin tristeza el rostro
de los niños,
“The troops in Irak only bring peace”
anuncian los prevaricadores
en los periódicos
the department itself detected
the instances of "imprudent curiosity,"
y asi construyen su nuevo presidente
entre mentiras y bromas.
It was decided.
He decided to travel the war
between those that said it
and those that curse
he look for the correct answer
he thought that the sun lit
warm and gentle to all,
he submerged in the sand soft, warm,
while others trait
to cultivate the flower
originates from their homeland,
between laughs and dissimulation.
He decided to walk between
what they said they were bullets that kill,
with her smile looked objects
in the exhibition barging prices,
but the blood universal in its spot
covered the moon and the sun,
news announce
"Deployed more troops to Tibet"
he in his cadence
looking without sadness the face
of children
"The troops in Iraq only bring peace"
advertise prevaricators in the newspapers, moreover
"The department itself detected t
he instances of imprudent curiosity,"
and build its new president
between lies and jokes.